Pizza Pizza

The March issue of Seattle Met‘s about to hit the stands. Here are some highlights.

Hank Drew shot the cover:

Pizza cover

Pizza cover

Here’s a sketch I did back in January. Pretty close, except I ended up flipping the direction of the pizza and eliminating the cheese pull:

Pizza sketch

Pizza sketch

And here’s the opening spread: Continue reading

Posted in Art Director, Graphic Design, Illustration | 5 Comments

ChatRoulette experiment: “IWTTBT”

Last week I heard about ChatRoulette, “a brand new service for one-on-one text-, webcam- and microphone-based chat with people around the world.” You can read all about it in this New York Magazine article, but here are some bullet points:

  • Most interactions between you and your randomly-selected partner last about a second. People tend to click past partners as though they’re flipping through TV channels they’re not interested in, as is evident in most of the faces in this collage accompanying the New York Magazine article: Continue reading
Posted in Art Director, Graphic Design, Photography | 6 Comments

Love & Lust

The February issue of Seattle Met is now on the stands, and with our steamiest cover yet:

Tales of Love & Lust in Seattle

Tales of Love & Lust in Seattle

If you’re interested in a peak behind the curtain, have a look at the original stock image I purchased before I had Jesse Champlin retouch it: Continue reading

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I’m really lucky to have my homeward bus stop right in front of the Seattle Art Museum (SAM). I love looking at the promotional material they come up with for their exhibitions — I’m assuming it’s done in-house. They use Gotham for their logo and for all of their collateral, and passing it everyday influenced my decision to bring Gotham into Seattle Met at the end of 2009. (I’d brought Gotham into Las Vegas Weekly back in 2004, but, frustrated by its width, replaced it in my 2007 redesign. But Gotham was modified with Narrow and Extra Narrow widths in 2009, which, along with Gotham Rounded, I also brought into Seattle Met.)

I left work late Monday night and was greeted with this captivating new poster for the upcoming Kurt Cobain-themed exhibit.



I love the upside-down placement of that creepy statue, and the extreme left alignment of “Kurt” with the chopped K, and the overall starkness of this monochromatic design. This is my favorite SAM poster yet, and I can’t wait to see the exhibit.

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Best Year Ever, Day One: Alone at the Office on a National Holiday.

I thought I’d take a break from the February issue to share some stuff from Seattle Met‘s January issue: Get Fit & Have Fun: 68 Ways to Make 2010 Your Best Year Ever.

Fit & Fun

Fit & Fun

I designed the Mudroom’s opening article to look like a missing pets flyer. First I used image boxes and rules in InDesign to set up the size of the paper and where the tears should be. Then I printed out that page, traced it onto a blank piece of paper, trimmed and tore that blank piece of paper according to my markers, photographed it, cleaned it up, colored it in Photoshop and brought it back into InDesign: Continue reading

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