Some Pages from My First Issue of Seattle Met

The Best Bars cover story has an emphasis on classic drinks, so I suggested that our cover should reference classic handmade graphics typically associated with matchbooks, napkins, coasters, etc. I commissioned illustrator Eric Larsen for the job, and described the kind of look I was going for. His first attempt is a fine illustration, but it just wasn’t right for this:

First draft

His next version is closer:

Second draft

I drew some suggestions over it, and Eric refined and refined, and eventually we got here: Continue reading

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Stag Dot

Back in October of 2006, I started thinking about a dotted “light bulb font” for my forthcoming redesign of Las Vegas Weekly. I was hoping to make the redesigned magazine as uniquely regional as possible, and lights are obviously a big part of the Vegas identity.

As a graphic designer, I’m a devoted student of Esquire magazine. Over the last five years, it’s been my single biggest design influence. And when I imagined my custom light bulb font, I pictured it being based on Esquire‘s Stag font, designed by Christian Schwartz. So on October 26th, 2006, I put together a sketch for my Stag dot font idea and sent it to Christian, to see if he’d be interested in helping me create a fully functional font set out of it:

My sketch for a dotted Stag font

Christian was into the idea, and he started playing around with other letters. We determined the number and thickness of dots to be used in each character, along with the spacing between the dots. Christian took this info and went off to work on the font set while I worked on the magazine redesign, and on February 1, 2007, Stag Dot Bold and Black made their debut in the freshly redesigned Las Vegas Weekly.

Since then, it’s turned up all over the publication: Continue reading

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My friend Jerry Miller, the great caricature artist whose work is in Las Vegas Weekly all the time, just forwarded me a scintillating screen shot that was sent to him by a very perceptive porno enthusiast:

Copy of Las Vegas Weekly in a porno.During all this excitement, who else would have noticed the February 8-14, 2007, issue of Las Vegas Weekly (cover illustrated by Dan Sipple) on the coffee table?


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