Screen Shots

At the beginning of 2010 I introduced a new step to my work process, and I think it’s helped me grow a lot as a designer. It’s really simple — it’s basically a variation of hard copy proofing, only it’s cheaper (free, as long as you have a smart phone), faster, less wasteful and more portable.

Before I leave the office, whether it’s for lunch or for the day, I snap an iPhone shot of my monitor, so that I can review whatever I’m working on anytime the mood strikes me.

I got hooked on this technique immediately, and throughout the year I’d flip through my screen shots on the bus, at restaurants, bookstores, the DMV  … Anywhere that I had my iPhone handy and a little free time. I’m finding that if I reflect on my work a little when I’m away from the computer, I’m much more decisive when I return to the computer.

Here are some of my screen shots from the year, with their published counterparts.

Fairview Fanny

Fairview Fanny opener Continue reading

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Snow Day

We had some snow in Seattle on the Monday before Thanksgiving — a rare thing around here. That afternoon I was at Ryan McVay’s photo studio for January’s Quote Unquote portrait, and between setups I’d head to the window to watch the snow pile up. After 15 years in the desert climate of Las Vegas, I turn into a little kid at even the thought of snow. When we finished our shoot I ran outside to write my name in it.


The snow basically crippled the city for the next 24 hours or so, and I heard stories of commutes that normally take 20 minutes lasting for over four hours. My own bus commute, which normally takes between 15 and 35 minutes, took two hours.

The next day, there were lots of businesses in my neighborhood that didn’t even open. One pet store had free “emergency food supplies” at its front door, with a handwritten note saying that it would be closed that day. Seattle’s hills and bridges are just no match for a little snow.

I ended up working from home that day — something I rarely do, because my needy dog constantly whines and begs for attention if I’m on the computer for any length of time.

Raleigh in the snow.

It was a long and frustrating day of trying to come up with concepts for January’s 52 Great Weekends cover. But about 14 hours into it, I finally hit on something I was feeling good about. I sketched this mock-up in Photoshop, using a mouse. (My old Wacom tablet broke when I moved from Vegas to Seattle in 2009, and I hadn’t yet replaced it. Thankfully, my girlfriend bought me a new one this Christmas.)

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The December issue of Seattle Met was by far the most intense one I’ve put together yet. I designed props for photos, illustrated a bunch of spots in order to keep the budget down, and went eighteen days straight without a day off — and capped that with a 100 hour work week in the final seven days. It was exhausting, but I’m pretty happy with the results.

Here’s the cover, shot by Charlie Schuck:

Our Best High Schools Continue reading

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Cover of the Day

Seattle Met‘s Best High Schools cover is the SPD’s Cover of the Day.

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The NOW-vember Issue

I wanted to do something that felt urgent and and unique with the presentation of the photos for Seattle Met‘s Where to Eat NOW feature in the November issue, so I displaced slices of Lindsay Borden‘s shots to give them a lively, animated feel. Here are some pages from the feature.

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